

St. Nicholas found its way to hospital

In response to the request our Foundation received some months ago, we decided to support the hospital in the poor Bieszczady Mountain Region in Sanok. The hospital delivers ca. 750 babies every year and performs ca. 150 caesarean operations. Our gift is a piece of medical equipment i.e.Cardiotocograph, which renders a safe delivery possible. The Cardiotocograph worth nearly PLN [...]

December , 2005|

Visit in Łódz

We set out for Lodz to meet our Children in the Home Hospice. We took the medical equipment with us that the hospice was much in need of i.e. oxygen concentrator and electric aspirator. In the nearest future the equipment will be used by the 11-year old Agatka. We also popped in to see Partyk who suffers from pemphigus, [...]

August , 2005|


Po imprezie charytatywnej, którą zorganizowaliśmy 16-07-2005 dzięki naszym przyjaciołom z klubu Stalowe Magnolie w Krakowie, postanowiliśmy pomóc Zespołowi Placówek Opiekuńczo Wychowawczych Nr 2 z Krakowa. W budynku Zespołu Opiekuńczo Wychowawczego niedawno wybuchł pożar. Na szczęście nikomu nic się nie stało, ale straty materialne są duże. Przekazaliśmy na rzecz Placówki kwotę 5.000 PLN na remont po pożarze. [...]

July , 2005|

They wrote about us

„Evening with Conrado Moreno. Children from the Warsaw Orphanage No 1 will not forget the evening of 13th April 2005. Duval Foundation has organized for them The Spanish Evening, full of surprises, dancing, treats and joy. Spanish evening is the first in a series of educational and cultural meetings which Duval Foundation will organize in the coming months in [...]

April , 2005|

Orphanage in Giżyce

On the 19th of April 2005 the Foundation have visited the Orphanage in Gizyce. The children received lots of sweets and presents. Foundation has also signed Donation Agreement for 10 000 PLN for the refurbishment of the bathrooms in the orphanage.

April , 2005|

„Spanish Evening”

Duval Foundation has organized an educational-cultural meeting in Children's Home in Warsaw. It was supposed to provide attractions and joy, also bringing knowledge about the European Union, culture and history of the various countries. Flowers, oranges, Spanish music and dishes, charismatic dancers, competitions with prizes, professional dancers teaching children cha-cha and samba [...]

April , 2005|

Christmas 2004

In December 2004 we organised fund-raising for two Warsaw-based Children’s Homes. We started with Maryna Falska Children’s Home (Dom Dziecka) No.1, by donating PLN 5,000. Thanks to our donation, the residing children have new winter wear! We were also invited to a magnificent Christmas Eve, in which we were delighted to participate! Have a look at the pictures of [...]

January , 2005|

St. Nicholas found its way to hospital

In response to the request our Foundation received some months ago, we decided to [...]

December , 2005|

Visit in Łódz

We set out for Lodz to meet our Children in the Home Hospice. We [...]

August , 2005|


Po imprezie charytatywnej, którą zorganizowaliśmy 16-07-2005 dzięki naszym przyjaciołom z klubu Stalowe Magnolie w [...]

July , 2005|

They wrote about us

„Evening with Conrado Moreno. Children from the Warsaw Orphanage No 1 will not forget [...]

April , 2005|

Orphanage in Giżyce

On the 19th of April 2005 the Foundation have visited the Orphanage in Gizyce. [...]

April , 2005|

„Spanish Evening”

Duval Foundation has organized an educational-cultural meeting in Children's Home in Warsaw. It was [...]

April , 2005|

Christmas 2004

In December 2004 we organised fund-raising for two Warsaw-based Children’s Homes. We started with [...]

January , 2005|