In response to the request our Foundation received some months ago, we decided to support the hospital in the poor Bieszczady Mountain Region in Sanok.
The hospital delivers ca. 750 babies every year and performs ca. 150 caesarean operations. Our gift is a piece of medical equipment i.e.Cardiotocograph, which renders a safe delivery possible.
The Cardiotocograph worth nearly PLN 10,000 reached the hospital on the very St. Nicholas Day! (our Polish “Mikołajki”!)
„Tygodnik Sanocki” weekly wrote to us:
„However inconspicuous it may have looked, it is a useful and necessary piece of equipment. By saying that, we mean a new CTG that reached the maternity ward in Sanok hospital on Tuesday, 6th of December 2005. It turned out to be the perfect St. Nicholas’ Day gift, not only for the to-be mothers but also for the medical personnel. The Warsaw-based Duval Foundation became St. Nicholas on that day.
The Foundation was established by Mark Duval, a British citizen of Polish origin, lawyer by profession, consultant and director of numerous international companies, involved in real property business to mention just a few business areas, who decided to get involved in providing assistance to those in need in Poland. The key purpose of his Foundation is to support and promote the activity of artists and sportspeople, organise aid for the poor, the sick and last but not least the disabled, children and elderly in particular.
– we have learned about the Duval Foundation on the Internet. We started e-mailing. We described the care provided to the to-be mothers, the number of babies delivered and the antiquated equipment. The response was prompt. We got a new CTG worth PLN 10,000. That could not have been better! We do appreciate people like Mark Duval, who give their time and money to others. We can only bow down before him and express our gratitude for a very special gift – says Adam Siembab, Healthcare Deputy Director at the Sanok hospital.
Dariusz Oleszczak, the Head of the Maternity Ward says:
The CTG records uterine contractions and baby pulse. The recording provides us with vital information on the delivery process and the condition of the baby. We have three such CTGs at our ward, however these are slightly antiquated and do break down. We keep mending them; it is usually either the recording head or mere cables, each of which costs us PLN 1,800. This CTG is a modern thing that has also other special merits such as no specialist paper requirement, where ordinary fax paper would do, which saves us expenses. To make things even better, it is neat and user friendly. Our dedicated midwives are impressed. We could appreciate the machine immediately – overnight – Tuesday to Wednesday – it helped deliver five babies!”

A hospital nurse from Sanok with the Cardiotocograph donated by us