The volunteers of Duval Foundation, Linda Sztyller and Malena Kowalska, resolved to devote more time to the Foundation this year, therefore they chose four Child Orphanages in Tarnów for donating Christmas gifts. These were „Przyjazny Dom”, „Słoneczny Dom”, „Pogotowie Opiekuńcze” and J. Korczak Centre, totalling 90 kids and youth.
In one of the Centres, youth asked for one joint gift for all, a new PC equipped with software, MS Office, loudspeakers, headphones and a multifunctional apparatus.
In the other 3 centres, Duval Foundation met the individual Christmas dreams of EACH of more than 70 Kids. We bought sports shoes for boys, a microphone with a filter and a tripod for a musician, many gift cards for chain stores chosen by kids, the dream clothing, cosmetics and perfumes, many MP3 and MP4, headphones and even tablets. These included formal shirts, trousers, and ladies cosmetics for girls.